U-PRO GPS trackers
To connect GPS device to our server, use one of IP addresses and PORT from the list below
IP : (Europe)
IP : (USA)
IP : (Asia)
GPSWOX software is fully compatible with U-PRO.
If specific tracker is missing, please try to use the same Port as on the other tracker or contact us.
GPSWOX software supports all U-PRO trackers
U-Pro GPS Trackers is an irreplaceable device for tracking a vehicle. Since vehicle tracking is as important as any other family member or stuff tracing, it comes in many different ways. This time, GPSWOX presents modern and compact UPRO GPS locator that can find your personal or your company car in any place in real time. To make it clear, UPRO GPS can be placed in a car, truck or any other vehicle showing its status and location to the owner that has bought the Tracker and installed it in his smart phone, computer or just a tablet. Real time tracking, exact location data, fuel saving settings, history, important notifications and alarms - you will get all, if you will decide to rely on our products and software.
Supported GPS Trackers can be order now online for a very attractive price.