The most popular GPS trackers in 2021
GPSWOX, a fleet management and online GPS tracking software, is known to work with any GPS tracker in the world. This is one of the reasons why it’s so popular for fleet management and personal use, and a leading reason there are now more than 100,000 satisfied customers around the world.
However, some trackers tend to be more popular, and at GPSWOX we wanted to know which ones were favorites with our customers. What we found was pretty interesting: of the many trackers available, there were three brands which absolutely dominated in 2021:
The most popular tracker brand for GPSWOX customers is Concox (34%), followed by Coban (27%) and Teltonika (22%). Another 12% of GPSWOX customers use other GPS trackers, while a minor portion (5%) use mobile tracking apps.
It’s no surprise that Concox is the most popular here. It’s been around for more than 15 years, and is certainly one of the biggest names in GPS tracking, with clients in more than 150 countries.
Their devices tend to be well-designed, small but compact, and perfectly reliable for use in carts, trucks, motorbikes and more.
Coban is another popular GPS tracking brand. While reliable and known for good quality products, Coban’s competitive price point makes it much more accessible for a wider portion of the population, giving it a strong bang-for-the-buck ratio. It also happens to be very user-friendly, which only adds to its accessibility and wider adoption.
And the third-most popular GPS tracker among GPSWOX customers is the company that’s been in the business of GPS tracking and vehicle networking solutions for more than 18 years. Teltonika has a truly wide selection of products for virtually every need within the industry.
They are constantly expanding and innovating, and it may be no big surprise to see Teltonika creep up to the #2 or even #1 spot in the upcoming years.